Thursday, February 7, 2013

Just Close Your Eyes [Photo Prompt]

Image Credit: saUsan MaChari

Alaina watches as angry waves crash in the distance, their usual emerald color replaced with steel grey, a reflection of the sky above. The waves crest, frothing into a moving wall of white mist that rolls toward her, creating little eddies as they break around her ankles.

You have to hurry. The storm is coming.

Your turn. What happens next? Can you tie in the photo above?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've actually written something with a very similar to this on my blog!! I love the idea of a storm - so empowering and the use of pathetic fallacy can be most effective! My story is called 'Home' and inspired by the Channel Islands. If you have time, I would love if you checked it out.

    P.s. I love the idea of 'flash fiction'! Next week when I have more time, I will join in for sure! :)


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